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Repairing Inappropriate Stucco Installation Problems

Repairing improper stucco installation is one of the first things you need to consider when you repair your home’s stucco. Stucco is a very tough material, especially when it was formed over a century ago. It can be tough to remove old stucco once it has been set in place. If you notice that there are places on the wall where the stucco has been misshapen and protruded, then you have to repair it as soon as possible before the stucco becomes a potential hazard to anyone living in your home. When you repair the stucco installation, you have to use the right materials and tools for the repair to be successful.

repairing improper stucco installation

One of the most common ways of repairing stucco is by using steel wool. Although steel wool can damage the surface of the stucco, it is still considered one of the best ways of repairing the stucco. With this in mind, you have to be very careful when using steel wool to repair stucco. You have to be especially careful if you are working near the structure of the house. Remember that steel wool can cut through the wood boards, which can also damage the stucco surface.

Another common mistake that people commit when using steel wool as a repair material is cutting off the corners. Cutting off corner pieces is dangerous because it can weaken the stucco surface. If you are not sure about the strength of the stucco, you have to leave the edges of the pieces intact. This way, the stucco will have enough strength to withstand the cutting of the edges.

Once you have repaired the stucco correctly, the next thing you need to do is to maintain it properly. Even if the stucco looks strong, it still needs to be looked after properly. You have to remove any debris, which may have gathered on the surface. You need to sweep the surface regularly using a broom. Vacuum the surface at least twice a week. This should help you maintain the beauty of the stucco.

If there is a major problem with the stucco, you need to take it outside immediately. Never try to repair the stucco on your own because this can lead to further damage. Contacting Stucco Tampa professionals is the best thing to do. If some portions of the stucco look damaged, you can apply a sealant directly to it. However, you have to select the right sealant because the wrong one can cause further damage. For example, you have to choose a sealant that is designed to resist moisture.

After you apply a sealant, you have to wait for at least eighteen to twenty-four hours before repairing the stucco. The reason behind this wait is that the area needs time to absorb the cement. It also needs time for the cement to set and form a hard surface. It is better to repair the surface after eighteen hours.

However, if you discover some parts of the stucco installation not well fixed, you can immediately replace them. There is no need to wait for them to set because you can replace them in an instant. In fact, if the surface looks good, you don’t even need to replace it. Remove it and give the surface another polish.

To avoid stucco installation problems in the future, you need to select a perfect contractor. You have to make sure that he or she is qualified for the job. It would help if you asked your friends, family, and co-workers for references. Ask if the contractor fixed any stucco installation problems and how long they were fixed. It would help if you also inquired about the price they charged for repairing the stucco.